
Phwando la Magalimoto Padziko Lonse la Prague 2024

Phwando la Magalimoto a International Prague
From October 26, 2024 until October 27, 2024
Prague - PVA EXPO PRAHA, Prague, Czech
(Chonde onaninso kawiri masiku ndi malo patsamba lovomerezeka pansipa musanabwere.)

Phwando la Magalimoto a Prague

The largest exhibition in Central and Eastern Europe focusing on tuning, motorsport, historic cars and motorcycles. The largest event in Central and Eastern Europe, focusing on motorsports, tuning, and historic cars, as well as motorcycles. Special Brothers perform a stunt show. CarMedia Hall No. 8. The tuning stage will be live throughout the weekend. More than 250 historical exhibits. Can I register my vehicle? Can I bring my dog to the show? What are the advantages of buying tickets in advance?

Kusindikiza kwa 13 kwa chochitika ichi chofunikira ku Europe kudzapatsa alendo ndi owonetsa chiwonetsero chapadera chokhala ndi mitundu yosiyanasiyana ya njinga zamoto ndi magalimoto.

Chiwonetserochi chikuphatikiza magalimoto osinthidwa ndi masewera komanso maiko amtundu wa motorsports ndi mbiri yamagalimoto.

Phwando la Magalimoto a Prague, lomwe lidzachitike kudera la 38,000 m2, lidzakhala ndi kuwongolera bwino kwambiri ku Europe, njinga zamoto zodziwika bwino kwambiri zaku Czech ndi zakunja ndi mipikisano yamagalimoto, komanso mbiri yakale yakutukuka kwa njinga zamoto ndi magalimoto ochokera kumayiko ena. nthawi ya nkhondo isanayambe mpaka pano.

BSR Tuning Expo is a unique exhibition that brings together the best of the Czech tuning scene, as well as the rest of Europe. Professional tuning companies, American sports cars, and American cars are the highlights of the halls. Over 750 exhibits will be on display.

Alendo azaka zonse adzasangalala ndi mipikisano, zokambirana ndi kukwera kochitapo kanthu, misonkhano yakunja komanso pulogalamu yothandiza mabanja.

Kumenya: 1975

Lembetsani matikiti kapena matumba

Chonde lembani patsamba lovomerezeka la International Prague Car Festival

Mapu a Malo ndi Mahotela Ozungulira

Prague - PVA EXPO PRAHA, Prague, Czech Prague - PVA EXPO PRAHA, Prague, Czech


800 Makhalidwe asiyidwa