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Msonkhano wa Georgia Pinners

Pinners GA is the place to learn, create and connect! What is Pinners Conference & Expo? Pinners GA has won awards for its fun! You can register for classes at any point in time. Here you can find FAQs and services. Pinners offers temporary work. All the shows are listed here:. Please remind me of the time for each show:. Connect with us:

Chiwonetserocho ndichokhudza kugula ndi kulenga! Bwerani ndipo mudzachipeza.

Pinners combines two fantastic events into one. Pinners is a conference with 100+ Pinterest classes taught by some of the best presenters across the country. It's also an exhibition with 200 top companies offering beautiful options for DIY, crafts and cooking, self improvement, photography, party planning and scrapbooking as well as holiday, fashion, beauty, and other things. Bring your adventurous spirit, even if you're not on Pinterest. This is where all the magic happens. After you attend, this will be your favorite event.

Zochitika zonse NDI ZAULERE kwa ana osakwana zaka 8. Nazi zambiri za VIP. Kumene: Cobb Galleria Center ku Atlanta, GA pa Epulo 19th-20th 2024. Zambiri zoyimitsa apa.Maola: Lachisanu 10am mpaka 8pm. Zosankha zonse zamatikiti, kupatula VIP, zimapezeka pakhomo.

Ndi bwino kusungitsa chipinda chanu msanga. Dera la Cobb likhoza kukhala lotanganidwa kwambiri. Nazi zambiri zamahotela athu a Pinner.

Pinners GA ikukondwerera zaka 7 pa Cobb Galleria yomweyo. Pitani kuwonetsero kuti muwone malingaliro atsopano omwe amaperekedwa nthawi zonse. Uku ndi kulinganiza ndi kupatsa mphamvu kwa amayi pabwino kwambiri.